

06/10/2011 15:53



06/10/2011 15:51
  CAVETOWNS AND GORGES OF CAPPADOCIA For millions of years, the mighty volcanoes of the Central Anatolian Plateau erupted and spewed their contents across the land that would become the cradle of civilization. Blessed with a moderate climate and fertile soil, one of the world’s earliest known...


Archive for the ‘Motivasyon’ Category

26/09/2011 16:05
  Dear Friends, If you joined our email list – that means that you are at least a little interested in improving your English.   If you joined our email list – that means that you are at least a little interested in improving your English. So now that you are interested in improving your...


What is “Working Vocabulary?”

26/09/2011 16:00
  When learning English, you use at least two different types of vocabulary. One is the vocabulary you can understand, and the other is the vocabulary that you are able to use while speaking – your “working vocabulary.” These two different vocabularies could also be called ‘passive...
